Most college events that will take place in college buildings should be added to the calendar system as soon as details are finalized, the Event Reservation form has been completed, and the event is confirmed and approved by the Culverhouse events team.
If events will take place elsewhere, such as an offsite or virtual gathering, or are deadlines specific to Culverhouse such as an application deadline, they may be added to the calendar without completing the event reservation form.
Questions about events? Contact the Events team at
Questions about the calendar system? Contact the Culverhouse Marcomm team at
Below are instructions on utilizing the UA calendar system.
Please include all relevant event information in the description. This includes but is not limited to:
The UA calendar system only includes locations that are on campus with a few local exceptions. For any location that does not auto-populate when you begin typing, be sure it is added to the description. This makes sure visitors can find the location of the event if it does not render in the location section. Adding a link to a Google Maps pin may be helpful.
Some examples include:
Filter selectors include:
Be sure to tag “Culverhouse College of Business” AND your department/unit when adding your event. If you fail to tag “Culverhouse College of Business,” your event will not display on the College’s calendar and may not show up on your departmental calendar.
The ticketing section allows for a ticket cost and a ticket link. If you leave the ticket cost section blank, it will print “Register” with the link you insert in the ticket link box.
Any registration form generated through Handshake, Qualtrics, Google Forms, etc. must be added here, if not in the event description.
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