Video at Culverhouse

The Culverhouse College of Business uses video to highlight events, provide depth on subjects, and most importantly tell stories. We see great value in providing video content for the college. Culverhouse videos should tell stories that demonstrate innovation, hard work, and passion.

Best Practices

The Culverhouse Marketing & Communications team empowers its faculty and staff to create compelling video content through their own means. Please utilize this list of best practices in order to create effective video content.

You can record video with:

  • Smartphones
  • Laptop/Computer
  • Camera

If shooting with a DSLR or point-and-shoot camera, we recommend using the following settings:

  • Frame Rate
    • Either 30 or 60 frames per second
  • Size
    • 1920 x 1080 HD
    • 1280 x 720


  • Use external lighting sources (lamps) to your advantage and get the right shot.
  • If indoors, avoid natural light (windows) as it can wash out your video
  • Make sure your subject is clearly lit and lighting is not too bright or too dark

Always shoot in landscape/horizontal orientation (unless for an Instagram story).


  • Make sure the person is shown from the chest up
  • Focal point should be their face

Building or area

  • Wide shot encompassing width of the building
    • Panning from left to right can accomplish this
  • Find a recognizable feature to be your focal point
    • Ex: signs, doorways, stairways, etc.


  • Go from wide to close shots
  • Find a distinct feature as your focal point

Having an external microphone works best with a camera.

If using a smartphone or laptop/computer take into account these precautions:

  • Shoot your video in a quiet area to eliminate background noise
  • Speak slowly and clearly towards the camera

If shooting a message or update, keep these additional tips in mind:

  • Have a script – this will keep you on track and prevent “um’s” and “uh’s”
  • Take your time
    • Break your script up into paragraphs and read them one at a time

Allow 1-2 seconds after starting your recording and before ending your recording to make sure the person speaking has enough time to finish their sentence.


Show your audience the depth of your guest or speaker allow them to share insights.

Provide your audience a virtual representation of your presentations.

Commemorate your event by gathering footage and compiling it into a video recap.

Call attention to your upcoming event and get people excited.